Course Description

This course aims to examine the development of mass society, mass production, consumption and the American consumer from the late 19th century to the present. Areas considered may include industrialization and the development of work in relation to leisure, Worlds Fairs, the development of the advertising industry, the impact of American suburbanization on consumer behavior, television, technology, shopping, mass production and consumption.

Course Instructor: Matthew Ferguson, Department of American Studies - Rutgers University

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Be careful this year christmas shopping.
I thought this was an interesting read, people getting pepper sprayed over video games. Consumerism gone violent.


  1. It's crazy how crazy some people can get over shopping. Buy-ology demonstrates and details how manufacturers and advertisers are developing new ways to manipulate people's desires on a psychological level, creating intense feelings associated with products. This incident is a testament to the effectiveness of these techniques as this woman was clearly not thinking clearly. She was interested only in the acquisition of new products, convinced that she had to have them.

  2. The argument that this woman was acting in self defense seems highly unlikely given the circumstances. The drive for consumerism and the need for certain things in our society is outrageous. These were not necessities at all, the want for these xbox games reached a critical level and drastic actions were taken. This article shows the importance of comsumption in our culture and the lengths that people will go to achieve this level of consumption. Especially when there is a discount and there is an oppertunity to recieve more product at a cheaper price.

  3. When I read articles such as this it reinforces the idea in my head that the affluenza epidemic will always exist, as well as progressively get worse in the future. With manufacturers and advertisers brainstorming new ways to play on people's desires in a psychological way, society will inevitably fall victim to products no matter what the case. The want for these products is outrageous. It's absolutely crazy to me that people would risk and arm and limb in order to have a certain product. How many times do we read articles around Black Friday of people getting trampled by other people all to be the first ones to get the best sales or the hottest new toy for their child. Not only are advertisers creating desire and want for consumers but they are equally creating a sense of madness.

  4. This article is crazy! Is a video game really worth harming others and facing criminal charges? I dont think so. Either is a deal. Instead of running out of the house late on Thankgiving to buy at a bargain, why can't people spend the day giving thanks with their families like that day is suppose to be. People never cease to amaze me. I did not even leave my house on Black Friday because I did not want to deal with people like this, or the traffic. I would rather spend the extra cash than have to deal with crazy people who are after a bargain.

  5. This is insane!! The fact that people are out there basically hurting each other for the "best deals" is just out right nuts.Also most people never really read the fine print for the stores most times there is a limit of the product. It is just sad that most people really don't take the time to be with there families but would rather rush around like crazy people on black friday.
    AnneMarie Esemplare sec 80

  6. I agree with Jourdan -- The excuse the woman was acting in self defense is absurd and far-fetched. Our need to consume has driven us to redefine what we feel are absolutely necessary, our values have been extremely skewed. Consumption in a sense has become a top priority in our country and Americans will go to extreme lengths to fulfill their consumption morals. Of course the need to save becomes a large influence on our purchases, but not because we care about our finances but rather because that ensues we will be able to purchase larger quantities of items.


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