Welcome to our course blog! Please remember to check your syllabus and the blog requirements outlined below to ensure that your participation is adequate and on time.
Overall, the keys to a successful blog are:
1. An interesting topic that asks a question/evokes participation.
2. Significant textual support from the week's readings.
3. Synthesis with current events, trends, culture, etc.
4. Thoughtful Composition (Don't throw it together at the last minute...)
Additionally, please note the following rules/formatting requirements:
1. Do NOT compose your blog in the blog site. Instead, compose it in a Word Document and Cut/Paste it when completed…adding any of the necessary links, etc. You should NOT be saving your blog as a draft in the site because everyone has access to that. In addition, you need to post your link WITH your blog, not separately. If it's your Critical Analysis Blog, please title it accordingly:
CA Blog: Title of Your Blog
2. If you're posting a "free blog," make sure that you title it in this way:
Free Blog: Title of Blog
Using the appropriate titles will ensure that people are commenting at the correct times.
3. Remember to sign your blog with your full name and section number.
Remember that these Critical Analysis Blogs are worth 10% of your grade...so treat them accordingly.
If you have any questions, please let us know!
Happy Blogging!
Matthew Ferguson
Matthew Ferguson
Course Instructor (Sections 01 & 80)
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